UvA - DARE ( Digital Academic Repository ) Who values the status of the entrepreneur ?
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منابع مشابه
UvA - DARE ( Digital Academic Repository ) The University of Amsterdam at WebCLEF 2005
We describe the University of Amsterdam’s participation in the WebCLEF track at CLEF 2005. We submitted runs for both the mixed monolingual task and the multilingual task.
متن کاملUvA - DARE ( Digital Academic Repository ) Nurse versus physician led - care for the management of paediatric asthma
S Aim To investigate whether there are differences in asthma characteristics between two populations of children with moderate asthma requiring inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) who are treated in general practice or in hospital practice. Patients and Methods 45 children from general practice and 62 from hospital practice, diagnosed with asthma and treated with ICS, were analysed in terms of lung f...
متن کاملUvA - DARE ( Digital Academic Repository ) Cancer patients ' trust in their physician - a review
متن کاملUvA - DARE ( Digital Academic Repository ) Frobenius distributions for real quadratic orders
We present a density result for the norm of the fundamental unit in a real quadratic order that follows from an equidistribution assump tion for the in nite Frobenius elements in the class groups of these orders
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